“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” Psalm 34:18
Brokenness hurts.
Experiencing a break up was the last thing I imagined myself going through. “He was the love of my life” I thought. “I wouldn't be able to live without him.” And in an instant it was over. Pain, hurt, confusion and loneliness began to take a huge toll in my life. I didn't know who I was anymore. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but ask God why. Why did he allow this to happen? But despite all the hurt and pain, it was in my time of brokenness and loneliness where I found God more than ever. It would be hypocritical of me to say I am completely healed but here is what I did learn:
1. The Lord loves the broken in heart, who draw close to him in their brokenness.
There is something about reaching a breaking point that causes us to seek the Lord more sincerely. At our greatest time of need, when we feel the most alone God is the closest to us. When we feel brokenness, God compensates (Isaiah 57:15). Brokenness has allowed me to be transparent with myself and with God. Bringing all my hurt and burdens to the Lord has allowed me to experience the Father’s love like no other. Being naked and real in the presence of God can be uncomfortable but so beneficial. He desires our attention and intimacy. He desires us to be open and transparent with him. It’s in that time of vulnerability where Gods love engulfs us. His love is like no other (Jeremiah 31:3). No man, no friend can love you the way Christ loves you.
2.God breaks us to bless us.
He chips away anything that keeps us from finding our true life in him.
I thought I knew what true love was. I thought I knew who I was in Christ. It was until my time of brokenness where I realized my perception of love was wrong, who I thought I was is not who I am today. It took that time of intimacy with God to realize that he targets areas of our lives that we’re unwilling to submit to him. Perhaps it was an unhealthy relationship. It could be laziness thats stunting your spiritual growth. Or even a bad habit that’s standing in the way of experiencing the fullness of God. Our tendency is to hold tightly to these things because we believe it’s what we want. We’re convinced they please us by providing the joy, pleasure and fulfillment we seek. But God knows the truth. Only He can truly satisfy our deepest longings. All else is counterfeit to his will for our lives. God selects the tools it takes to break our self-sufficiency and causes us to turn to Him. When we give up our independence, we gain a new perspective of God’s plan and purpose for our lives. I can't help but think about Romans 8:28 “
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Notice the verse doesn't say SOME things work for the good of those who love him. It says ALL things; the good, and the bad. When situations don't feel like they are favorable they are.
There is purpose in brokenness!
3. You can find wholeness through Christ.
Wholeness is what we want. Wholeness cannot be found in others, or even within ourselves. We are not defined by our feelings. We are not defined by the opinions of others or by our circumstances. We are not defined by our successes or failures. We are defined by God and God alone. He identifies us as his own ( 2 Corinthians 1:22). If we want to be whole in body, soul and spirit, we cannot try to be whole on our own. To overcome our brokenness we must realize that we have to be healed by a power greater than ourselves. I found myself trying to mend the broken pieces in my life on my own and was not successful. It was then when I came to the conclusion that the type of transformation that brings a sense of wholeness can only be done by God himself. Achieving a good degree of wholeness on your own strength and abilities will not work.
Only when we admit our need and ask God into our life, can God begin to make us whole. Only when we confess that we are broken can God heal us. Once we let go of self and place God at the center of our lives, everything else falls into place (Matthew 6:33).
If you desire to be whole you must invite God into the deepest part of who you are - so that from the inside out, you can be transformed into the type of person God wants you to be.
4. Trust in His timing.
Like Ecclesiastes 3 says “There is a time for everything.... he has made everything beautiful in his time.” The process may be long and frustrating but know that God is the ultimate healer (Psalm 147:3). God is molding us and is chipping away at the things in our lives that do not belong. Like a diamond, we must go through incredible pressure, cleansing, and refining. The great aspect about this illustration is that the diamond shines bright and is worth so much more after the process.
When we understand God’s sovereignty over our lives we are able to have peace knowing this too shall pass. It is our natural instinct to do things in our time. But Gods plans may not always be our plans (Jeremiah 29:11). We are aware that we are not perfect and that we fall short of the glory of God but that his grace covers it all.So feeling broken doesn't mean we stay broken. We get back up stronger than ever and fulfill the calling God has over our lives.
So maybe you didn't experience a break up like I did. Maybe you haven’t had traumatic life experiences or relationships but have been relying on your own strength to make it in life. Your pride caused you not to embrace the love of God in a deeply personal way, and in your will you choose to depend on yourself and not Jesus. You haven't yield control of your life to God so you are still not enjoying the deep inner peace and wholeness you could have. One thing I am certain about is that God delights in brokenness. He gives us strength in our time of weakness. Grace when we’re undeserving and love when we don’t feel it ( 2 Corinthians 12;9-10). There is peace knowing brokenness is only temporary and there is purpose and beauty behind it. And in his time we will flourish and be exactly who God has called us to be.
Ariel Castillo